Tuesday, November 11, 2008

week 4 reflection!

today was learning about brezzer and how to create them with the powerpoint slides.
i think it was easy and the brezzer is just at the powerpoint la!wa...its like super obvious and I never notice it.
so after that was finishing the remaining of the power point slides and created them with the brezzer.
I think I did not really did a good job with the power point as i think i just did a rough draft of what im suppose to do for the project.
anyway today I also learnt on how to use the hot potato.
The hot potato is rather easy to use and I think I have learnt how to use another new tool for my e-learning!HAHAHAHA~!
1st was JQuiz.this was basically short-answer and mcq questions.I think this is like the easiest tool as it was rather straight forward.The other tools like Jcross and Jmatch all seems to be more complicated and I feel that the tools may require for me to explore more and finally understand how to use them.So,for overall of the hot potatos,the tools are rather simple to use and does not really require much knowlege for me and I think i can really create very useful materials from using hot potato.
so thats all for today EELD. (:

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