Tuesday, January 6, 2009

week 12 reflection. 6/1/09

Today was learning about adobe flash.
i guess its rather fine as i have learnt flash in secondary school. However due to long time of not using flash, I have forgotton on how to use the flash. So after some teaching, I have got the hang of flash and everything just seems to be ok.
I managed to do simple flash after some time of exploring flash and then I have also created a flash banner.
Also, I have made a photo mask of a zoo logo. This part is rather easy and I got it done real fast.
The only diffcult one is making the banner as lots of steps are invovled in it. It took me quite awhile before I got it and start creating the banner.
After that was doing dreamweaver and fireworks. I think both softwares are easy to use and fireworks is something like photoshop.
So i imported my flash files to dreamweaver and created a html web of my flash files.
Overall, I think today was rather ok and not much diffculty is faced in creating flash.

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