Tuesday, January 20, 2009

week 14 reflection 20/1/09

Today i learnt about flash quiz.Miss Nah 1st go through the flash quiz and the different types of quizes in flash.then afterwards,i learn and explore the different functions of the flash quiz.1st was the true/false quiz.i think that was pretty ok and it was easy to understand.after that i try the hot objects.that too was ok.the hardest part of the quiz was the drag and drop quiz.even though it seems easy,it was difficult to make the picture to snap at the drop point.
however, after countless number of tries,i finally successed in doing it.i just make a few adjustments and it worked.
after that was the flash presentation.Miss Nah showed the class on how to do the flash presentation and it was rather easy to get it.i think i can have a rough idea on what my project will be.
after that i continue with the flash and quickly finish the quiz and saved it.
hopefully it will be useful for my project.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

week 13 reflection 13/1/09

So today was learning flash again.I learnt on how to do motion and how to add effects with flash.one is how to add effect to make the wheel spin.i think it was reather interesting as i don't know i can do that with flash.i also creat powerpoint slides and add effects with flash.i have also learnt about the behaviour of the flash and i think it was rather interesting with all the flash.
ok need to rush out the report for EELD.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

week 12 reflection. 6/1/09

Today was learning about adobe flash.
i guess its rather fine as i have learnt flash in secondary school. However due to long time of not using flash, I have forgotton on how to use the flash. So after some teaching, I have got the hang of flash and everything just seems to be ok.
I managed to do simple flash after some time of exploring flash and then I have also created a flash banner.
Also, I have made a photo mask of a zoo logo. This part is rather easy and I got it done real fast.
The only diffcult one is making the banner as lots of steps are invovled in it. It took me quite awhile before I got it and start creating the banner.
After that was doing dreamweaver and fireworks. I think both softwares are easy to use and fireworks is something like photoshop.
So i imported my flash files to dreamweaver and created a html web of my flash files.
Overall, I think today was rather ok and not much diffculty is faced in creating flash.

Monday, January 5, 2009

School starts

So this week have no lab as it is a e-learning week.
so i'm here to share the difference between a learning management system(LMS) and course management system(CMS).

The learning management system is like a software for delivering and tracking training.
Normally this is done by tracking online courses. Some companies use LMS to record keep registration of employees.Also, most LMSs are web-based to provide easy access.
some examples are blackboard, vBus.

The course management system is like a tool where teachers can post anything on a web without him knowing anything about computer language. This is like providing easy tools for creating online courses.

So the main difference is that LMS allows tracking of a student work online while a CMS juzt allow teachers to have easy access and post online courses but it cannot track.